Wisdom from Expert

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Be A motivator ...

Teguh Yoga Raksa ( 2009)

A man who has a high motivation will be shown from his attitude.
They will share "fire" to others by showing his knowledge and wisdom .
Almost motivated person will motivate others. ..

if the choices come to you , what are you going to do with your life? be a motivator then ..
sure ..i suggest you to become motivator..off courses for your family , your colleague, your peer, or may be for your community, at the end you can be inspiring others to do what you did...

the choices.., the decisions,... depend on you.. keep on learning and be a motivator ..learn - action and success..(TY)

Lesson Learn ..

Teguh Yoga Raksa ( 2009)

Stephen Harvard Davis in his book told that "Why Do 40% of Executives Fail?", sure ...in my opinion they will learn from their mistake. its not simple that we though about how executive from their mistakes. as davis said about this, "if you don’t make mistakes, you don’t learn". I think all aspect in our life shoud be learn from all mistakes that we did.
if we compare to business reality on competitiveness :
Why our competitor try to catch up our product quality , they will learn from our product weakness ?
why we have to listen what competitor said about our product ?
because they will give honest opinion..

if you did mistake in your office

I would like to share of my experience about this story, once time i did mistakes and its huge mistake as per my perception, but i don't know what other think about my mistake. here is the tips that you can do if you did like what i did.

1. Tell the truth what going on with your superior
Don't let your mistakes go from your superior, in my understanding you are a part of the team so you should update your boss, what ever happen in your project or your daily activities its mandatory for you to let your boss know about all activities that we did. tell the truth what going on and problems that you have to figure it out, off course you should come with alternative solution , not just tell the problems.

2. Confess your mistakes and told your boss you will not do it again
most of people hard to confess and apologize mistakes, so try you as different person to confess and apologize your mistakes and off course you have to learn from this mistake and never do it twice

3. Give your energy and spirit to overcome bad perception from your peer or colleague
you can over time or use extra time to give excellent result to replace your mistake with your performance, so your image then cover up with your excellent result.

4. Don't blame others
you have to responsible your mistake by yourself, don't ever try to blame other as driver of your mistakes

5. Don't blame your self more than others, just put it properly
you can blame your self but don't to hyperbolic, just put it as it is , no one escape from the mistakes, as human being is natural to got mistakes. take mistakes as discovery to find something and invent the new think to become better and better.

"mistakes are the portals of discovery” ( James Joyc

Remember how many times thomas alfa edison did the mistakes when he try to invent, and finally he discover something useful for human being and until now his master piece was used to lightening all over the world. ..so be a good learner , learn - action and success...(TY)