Wisdom from Expert

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Analytical Study of Magnetic Properties of Zig-Zag Ladder with XXZ Anisotropy, Case Study NH4CuCl3

Teguh Yoga Raksa and Budhy Kurniawan
Department of Physics, FMIPA, University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia
e-mail : teguhyr@scientist.com and bkuru@fisika.ui.ac.id

Magnetic properties of zig-zag ladder with XXZ anisotropy ,which is described by the Hamiltonian :

are studied. The Hamiltonian have been examined by analytical method when d=h=0. We compare two and three-legs ladder with a numerical investigation. We also discuss magnetic properties NH4CuCl3 in low temperature and propose models for NH4CuCl3.

Keywords : Zig-zag ladder, XXZ anisotropy , NH4CuCl3

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